home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- This source file includes following functions.
- numresult
- main
- expr1
- expr2
- expr3
- expr4
- expr5
- expr6
- expr7
- nullz
- numvalue
- strvalue
- strsave
- invalid
- docolon
- rcomp
- rmatch
- rtry
- tryone
- */
- /* expr - expression evaluator for shell Author: Peter S. Housel */
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- struct value {
- long numval; /* numeric value */
- int nf_valid; /* "numeric value field valid" flag */
- char *strval; /* string value */
- };
- #define numresult(valp,number) (((valp)->nf_valid = 1),((valp)->strval = NULL),((valp)->numval = (number)))
- int main (int argc, char **argv);
- void expr1 (struct value *valp);
- void expr2 (struct value *valp);
- void expr3 (struct value *valp);
- void expr4 (struct value *valp);
- void expr5 (struct value *valp);
- void expr6 (struct value *valp);
- void expr7 (struct value *valp);
- int nullz (struct value *valp);
- int numvalue (struct value *valp);
- char *strvalue (struct value *valp);
- char *strsave (char *string);
- void invalid (char *err);
- void docolon (struct value *match, struct value *pattern);
- void rcomp (char *regexp);
- void rmatch (char *str);
- char *rtry (char *str, unsigned char **pcp);
- char *tryone (char *str, unsigned char **pcp);
- char *progname;
- char **argp;
- char NUMARG[] = "numeric argument required";
- int main(argc, argv)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- struct value val0;
- progname = argv[0];
- argp = &argv[1];
- expr1(&val0);
- if (*argp != NULL) invalid("syntax error");
- (void) puts(strvalue(&val0));
- return(nullz(&val0));
- }
- /* Yet Another recursive descent parser. */
- void expr1(valp)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- struct value *valp;
- {
- struct value val1;
- expr2(valp);
- while (*argp != NULL) {
- if (strcmp(*argp, "|") == 0) {
- ++argp;
- expr2(&val1);
- if (nullz(valp))
- *valp = val1;
- else; /* return the first arg (already in *valp) */
- } else
- break;
- }
- }
- void expr2(valp)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- struct value *valp;
- {
- struct value val1;
- expr3(valp);
- while (*argp != NULL) {
- if (strcmp(*argp, "&") == 0) {
- ++argp;
- expr3(&val1);
- if (nullz(valp) && nullz(&val1))
- numresult(valp, 0);
- else; /* return the first arg (already in *valp) */
- } else
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Save source code lines but not object code, unfortunately. */
- #define RELOP(OP) ++argp;expr4(&val1);if(numvalue(valp) && numvalue(&val1)) numresult(valp, valp->numval OP val1.numval); else numresult(valp, strcmp(strvalue(valp), strvalue(&val1)) OP 0);
- void expr3(valp)
- struct value *valp;
- {
- struct value val1;
- expr4(valp);
- while (*argp != NULL) {
- if (strcmp(*argp, "<") == 0) {
- RELOP(<)
- } else if (strcmp(*argp, "<=") == 0) {
- RELOP(<=)
- } else if (strcmp(*argp, "=") == 0) {
- RELOP(==)
- } else if (strcmp(*argp, "!=") == 0) {
- RELOP(!=)
- } else if (strcmp(*argp, ">=") == 0) {
- RELOP(>=)
- } else if (strcmp(*argp, ">") == 0) {
- RELOP(>)
- } else
- break;
- }
- }
- #define BINOP(NEXT,OP) ++argp;NEXT(&val1);if(!numvalue(valp) || !numvalue(&val1)) invalid(NUMARG); else numresult(valp, valp->numval OP val1.numval);
- void expr4(valp)
- struct value *valp;
- {
- struct value val1;
- expr5(valp);
- while (*argp != NULL) {
- if (strcmp(*argp, "+") == 0) {
- BINOP(expr5, +)
- } else if (strcmp(*argp, "-") == 0) {
- BINOP(expr5, -)
- } else
- break;
- }
- }
- void expr5(valp)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- struct value *valp;
- {
- struct value val1;
- expr6(valp);
- while (*argp != NULL) {
- if (strcmp(*argp, "*") == 0) {
- BINOP(expr6, *)
- } else if (strcmp(*argp, "/") == 0) {
- ++argp;
- expr6(&val1);
- if (!numvalue(valp) || !numvalue(&val1))
- invalid(NUMARG);
- else {
- if (val1.numval == 0) invalid("division by zero");
- numresult(valp, valp->numval / val1.numval);
- }
- } else if (strcmp(*argp, "%") == 0) {
- ++argp;
- expr6(&val1);
- if (!numvalue(valp) || !numvalue(&val1))
- invalid(NUMARG);
- else {
- if (val1.numval == 0) invalid("division by zero");
- numresult(valp, valp->numval % val1.numval);
- }
- } else
- break;
- }
- }
- void expr6(valp)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- struct value *valp;
- {
- struct value val1;
- expr7(valp);
- while (*argp != NULL) {
- if (strcmp(*argp, ":") == 0) {
- ++argp;
- expr7(&val1);
- #ifndef NOCOLON
- docolon(valp, &val1);
- #else
- valp->nf_valid = 0;
- valp->strval = NULL;
- #endif
- } else
- break;
- }
- }
- void expr7(valp)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- struct value *valp;
- {
- if (*argp == NULL)
- invalid("missing argument(s)");
- else if (strcmp(*argp, "(") == 0) {
- ++argp;
- expr1(valp);
- if (strcmp(*argp++, ")") != 0) invalid("unbalanced parentheses");
- } else {
- valp->nf_valid = 0;
- valp->strval = *argp++;
- }
- }
- /* Return 1 if the argument is zero (numeric) or null (string */
- int nullz(valp)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- struct value *valp;
- {
- if (numvalue(valp)) return(valp->numval == 0);
- return(strlen(strvalue(valp)) == 0);
- }
- /* Return 1 if the argument is a valid number, insuring that the nf_valid
- * and numval fields are set properly. Does the string-to-number
- * conversion if nf_valid is false.
- */
- int numvalue(valp)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- struct value *valp;
- {
- register char *p;
- int sign = 0, digits = 0;
- unsigned long num = 0;
- if (valp->nf_valid) return 1;
- if ((p = valp->strval) == NULL) return 0;
- if (*p == '-') {
- ++p;
- sign = 1;
- }
- while (isdigit(*p)) {
- num = num * 10 + (*p++ - '0');
- digits = 1;
- }
- if (!digits || *p != '\0') return 0;
- valp->numval = sign ? -num : num;
- valp->nf_valid = 1;
- return 1;
- }
- /* Return the string value of the given argument. If there is only a
- * numeric value, convert it to a string
- */
- char *strvalue(valp)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- struct value *valp;
- {
- char numbuf[30];
- register char *p;
- unsigned long num;
- int sign = 0;
- if (!valp->nf_valid) return(valp->strval != NULL) ? valp->strval : "";
- p = numbuf + sizeof numbuf;
- *--p = '\0';
- if (valp->numval < 0) {
- num = -(valp->numval);
- sign = 1;
- } else
- num = valp->numval;
- do {
- *--p = '0' + (num % 10);
- num /= 10;
- } while (num);
- if (sign) *--p = '-';
- return(valp->strval = strsave(p));
- }
- /* Save the given string in its own allocated memory and return a pointer
- * to that memory.
- */
- char *strsave(string)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- char *string;
- {
- char *p;
- if ((p = (char *)malloc(strlen(string) + 1)) == NULL) invalid("out of memory");
- (void) strcpy(p, string);
- return p;
- }
- /* Print error message and exit. */
- void invalid(err)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- char *err;
- {
- (void) fputs(progname, stderr);
- (void) fputs(": ", stderr);
- (void) fputs(err, stderr);
- (void) putc('\n', stderr);
- exit(2);
- }
- #ifndef NOCOLON
- #include <limits.h>
- #define RMIN (UCHAR_MAX-8) /* >= reserved as opcodes */
- #define RESC (UCHAR_MAX-8) /* for escaping opcodes */
- #define RDOT (UCHAR_MAX-7) /* match any character */
- #define ROPEN (UCHAR_MAX-6) /* opening \( */
- #define RCLOSE (UCHAR_MAX-5) /* closing \) */
- #define RSTAR (UCHAR_MAX-4) /* Kleene closure */
- #define RCLASS (UCHAR_MAX-3) /* character class */
- #define RBACK (UCHAR_MAX-2) /* \digit reference */
- #define REND (UCHAR_MAX-1) /* end of program */
- #define RABEGIN 0x01 /* match anchored at BOL (^) */
- #define RAEND 0x02 /* match anchored at EOL ($) */
- #define RSELECT 0x04 /* \(...\) selection op used */
- #define PROGLENGTH 1024 /* bytes reserved for r-programs */
- unsigned char rprogram[PROGLENGTH]; /* regexp program storage */
- unsigned int rflags = RABEGIN; /* regexp program context */
- char *rbegins[10]; /* pointers to \( beginnings */
- char *rends[10]; /* pointers to \) endings */
- int rlevel; /* \(...\) level */
- /* Compile the regexp, match it against the string, and return the
- * proper result (a string if \(...\) used, and the match length otherwise.
- */
- void docolon(match, pattern)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- struct value *match, *pattern;
- {
- rcomp(strvalue(pattern));
- rmatch(strvalue(match));
- if (rflags & RSELECT) {
- match->nf_valid = 0;
- if (rends[0] == rbegins[0] || rends[1] == NULL) {
- match->strval = NULL;
- } else {
- *(rends[1]) = '\0'; /* semi-nasty */
- match->strval = rbegins[1];
- }
- } else {
- numresult(match, rends[0] - rbegins[0]);
- }
- }
- /* Compile an ed(1)-syntax regular-expression into the rprogram[] array. */
- void rcomp(regexp)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- register char *regexp;
- {
- char c; /* current regexp character */
- char first, last; /* limits of character class */
- unsigned char *starable; /* last "starable" variable */
- unsigned char *rpc; /* pointer to next program storage byte */
- int negate; /* character class negated */
- int i; /* loop counter and such */
- int pstack[9]; /* \(...\) nesting stack */
- int pstackp = 0; /* stack pointer for nesting stack */
- int pclosed[10]; /* flags indicating \(...\) closed */
- rpc = &rprogram[0];
- starable = NULL;
- for (i = 1; i < 10; ++i) pclosed[i] = 0;
- if (*regexp == '^') {
- rflags |= RABEGIN; /* not needed, as it turns out */
- ++regexp;
- }
- while ((c = *regexp++)) {
- if ((rpc - rprogram) >= PROGLENGTH - 2 - CLASS_BYTES)
- invalid("regular expression program too long");
- switch (c) {
- case '.':
- starable = rpc;
- *rpc++ = RDOT;
- break;
- case '\\':
- if (isdigit(*regexp)) {
- if (!pclosed[*regexp - '0'])
- invalid("reference to unclosed/nonexistent \\(...\\) pair");
- starable = NULL;
- *rpc++ = RBACK;
- *rpc++ = *regexp++ - '0';
- } else if (*regexp == '(') {
- starable = NULL;
- ++regexp;
- rflags |= RSELECT;
- if ((i = ++rlevel) > 9)
- invalid("too many \\(...\\) levels");
- pstack[pstackp++] = i;
- *rpc++ = ROPEN;
- *rpc++ = i;
- break;
- } else if (*regexp == ')') {
- starable = NULL;
- ++regexp;
- if (pstackp == 0)
- invalid("\\(...\\) pairs don't balance");
- i = pstack[--pstackp];
- *rpc++ = RCLOSE;
- *rpc++ = i;
- pclosed[i] = 1;
- break;
- } else if ((unsigned char) *regexp >= RMIN) {
- starable = rpc;
- *rpc++ = RESC;
- *rpc++ = *regexp++;
- break;
- } else {
- starable = rpc;
- *rpc++ = *regexp++;
- break;
- }
- case '$':
- if (*regexp == '\0') {
- rflags |= RAEND;
- break;
- } else {
- starable = rpc;
- *rpc++ = '$';
- break;
- }
- case '*':
- if (starable == NULL) {
- starable = rpc;
- *rpc++ = '*';
- break;
- } else {
- memmove(starable + 1, starable, (size_t)(rpc - starable));
- *starable = RSTAR;
- starable = NULL;
- ++rpc;
- break;
- }
- case '[':
- negate = 0;
- starable = rpc;
- *rpc++ = RCLASS;
- if (*regexp == '^') {
- ++regexp;
- negate = 1;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < CLASS_BYTES; ++i) rpc[i] = 0;
- do {
- first = *regexp++;
- if (*regexp == '-' && regexp[1] != ']'
- && regexp[1] > first) {
- ++regexp;
- last = *regexp++;
- for (i = first; i <= last; ++i) {
- rpc[(i - CHAR_MIN) / CHAR_BIT] |=
- 1 << ((i - CHAR_MIN) % CHAR_BIT);
- }
- } else {
- rpc[(first - CHAR_MIN) / CHAR_BIT] |=
- 1 << ((first - CHAR_MIN) % CHAR_BIT);
- }
- } while (*regexp && *regexp != ']');
- if (*regexp != ']') invalid("unterminated character class");
- ++regexp;
- if (negate) for (i = 0; i < CLASS_BYTES; ++i, ++rpc)
- *rpc = ~*rpc;
- else
- rpc += CLASS_BYTES;
- break;
- default:
- if ((unsigned char) c >= RMIN) {
- starable = rpc;
- *rpc++ = RESC;
- *rpc++ = c;
- break;
- } else {
- starable = rpc;
- *rpc++ = c;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (pstackp != 0) invalid("\\(...\\) pairs don't balance");
- *rpc = REND;
- }
- /* It turns out that expr regular expressions have an implicit
- * '^' prepended, and therefore RABEGIN is always on. It seemed
- * a waste to delete the code after discovering this, however.
- */
- void rmatch(str)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- char *str;
- {
- char *end;
- unsigned char *rpc;
- rends[0] = rbegins[0] = str;
- if (rflags & RABEGIN) {
- rpc = &rprogram[0];
- if ((end = rtry(str, &rpc)) != NULL) rends[0] = end;
- } else {
- while (*str) {
- rpc = &rprogram[0];
- end = rtry(str, &rpc);
- if (end != NULL && (end - str) > (rends[0] - rbegins[0])) {
- rbegins[0] = str; /* longest match wins */
- rends[0] = end;
- }
- ++str;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Try to match str to program from *pcp on */
- char *rtry(str, pcp)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- char *str;
- unsigned char **pcp;
- {
- char *nstr;
- while (*str && **pcp != REND) {
- if ((nstr = tryone(str, pcp)) == NULL) return NULL;
- str = nstr;
- }
- while (**pcp == RCLOSE) {
- rends[*(*pcp + 1)] = str;
- *pcp += 2;
- }
- if (**pcp != REND) return NULL;
- if ((rflags & RAEND) && *str != '\0') return NULL;
- return str;
- }
- /* Try to match one regular expression operator */
- char *tryone(str, pcp)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- char *str;
- unsigned char **pcp;
- {
- char *ret = NULL;
- unsigned char *npc;
- char *p, *q;
- again:
- switch (**pcp) {
- case RESC:
- if (*str == *(*pcp + 1)) ret = str + 1;
- *pcp += 2;
- break;
- default:
- if (*str == **pcp) ret = str + 1;
- *pcp += 1;
- break;
- case RDOT:
- if (*str != '\0') ret = str + 1;
- *pcp += 1;
- break;
- case RCLASS:
- if (*str != '\0'
- && ((*pcp + 1)[(*str - CHAR_MIN) / CHAR_BIT]
- & (1 << ((*str - CHAR_MIN) % CHAR_BIT)))) {
- ret = str + 1;
- }
- *pcp += CLASS_BYTES + 1;
- break;
- case ROPEN:
- rbegins[*(*pcp + 1)] = str;
- *pcp += 2;
- goto again;
- case RCLOSE:
- rends[*(*pcp + 1)] = str;
- *pcp += 2;
- goto again;
- case RBACK:
- p = rbegins[*(*pcp + 1)];
- q = rends[*(*pcp + 1)];
- *pcp += 2;
- while (p < q)
- if (*p++ != *str++) return NULL;
- ret = str;
- break;
- case RSTAR:
- *pcp += 1;
- p = str;
- while (npc = *pcp, tryone(p, &npc) != NULL) ++p;
- *pcp = npc;
- while (p >= str
- && (npc = *pcp, (ret = rtry(p, &npc)) == NULL))
- --p;
- *pcp = npc;
- break;
- case REND: ret = str;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- #endif /* !NOCOLON */
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */